Interact Medical are awarded to all major national framework agreements for the supply of contingent staffing solutions to the NHS.

This unique position affords significant depth and breadth to Interact’s portfolio capabilities and continues to position Interact as a viable supply partner for the supply of multi-disciplinary staffing solutions.

For specific information regarding accessing each of the frameworks please visit:

We are also a member/partner of the following organisations:


For an informal discussion and to discuss your needs further, please email

Our current awarded frameworks

healthtrust europe

HealthTrust Europe

Total Workforce Solutions II

healthtrust europe

HealthTrust Europe

Total Workforce Solutions III

healthtrust europe

HealthTrust Europe

Permanent & International Recruitment

NHS Workforce Alliance

NHS Workforce Alliance


NHS Scotland

NHS Scotland

Medical Locums NP500

NHS Scotland

NHS Scotland

Agency Nursing

HSC Logo

Health & Social Care Northern Ireland

Medical Locums

NHS Wales Logo

NHS Wales

Social Care & Nursing

Regulated supply within major sub-disciplines

Specifically, these framework awards allow regulated supply within the following sub-disciplines:

Medical Locums
Agency Nurses
Allied Health Professionals
Health & Scientific Support
Paramedics and Emergency Services
Executive Search
Permanent Recruitment
International Recruitment
NHS Bank Management
Master Vendor
Neutral Vendor